Change of Control Clause Also known as change of control. A provision in an agreement giving a party certain rights (such as consent, payment or termination) in connection with a change in ownership or management of the other party to the agreement. Not all change of control provisions are triggered by the same action.


No Control Clause This insurance shall not be affected by failure of the Insured to comply with any provisions of this policy in any portion of the location over which the Insured has no control. Pencantuman klausul Non-Invalidation Clause, Breach of Warranty Clause telah membawa implikasi serius atas klaim pada suatu polis

You can complete the definition of change of control clause given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster Change control is not department-specific, rather the task of the whole company. This is due to the wide area of application of change control, as described in both Annex 15 and in The Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) document PI 006-2. Hungarian Translation for Change of control Klausel - English-Hungarian Dictionary Many translated example sentences containing "change of control clause" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. 2021-03-30 to change [alter] měnit [nedok.] remote control {noun} dálkový ovladač {m} to change one's mind: změnit názor [dok.] of {prep} z : instead of {prep} místo: of course {adv} … Change of Control. Eine Change-of-Control-Klausel (auch „Golden Parachute“ genannt) soll es dem Vorstand bzw. Geschäftsführer (oder auch der Gesellschaft) ermöglichen, im Falle eines Kontrollwechsels (Wechsel der Mehrheitsverhältnisse) die Zusammenarbeit zu fest vereinbarten Konditionen vorzeitig zu beenden. The change of control clause will be triggered upon the divestment of Insurance Asia.: La clause de changement de contrôle sera déclenchée lors de la cession d'ING Insurance Asia.: Counsel for one of the principal public US pharmaceutical companies (NYSE) in an ICC arbitration following a take-over bid and the application of a change of control clause.

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av B Gustafsson · 2016 — Kupongbolag – Aktiebolag som inte har en avstämningsklausul i bolagsordningen. Letter of intent – Avsiktsförklaring klausuler som förbjuder ägarbyte i moderbolaget, så kallade change of control clauses, kan moderbolaget tvingas sälja  automatiskt samtliga bolagets avtal (såvida inte avtalen innehåller så kallade ”change of control”-klausuler eller liknande, se nedan). Under förutsättning att ingen sådan change of control klausul finns i hyresavtalet vid sidan om skrivningen att hyresvärden skall informeras vid  I enlighet med klausul 10.4 i Villkoren, utfärdar Bolaget härmed denna Ägarkontrollskifte, en så kallad Change of Control Event, som beskrivs  Change of control klausul optioner Förändring av Control Vesting Acceleration Jag är en stor fan av förändring av kontrollmöjlighetens  Det förändrade ägandet i Bolaget har utlöst en change of control-klausul i Bolagets långsiktiga incitamentsprogram (LTIP 2014, 2015 och  Ahlstrom-Munksjö: Notice of change of control and redemption of the Capital Securities in accordance with Clause 7.7 (Change of Control) of  I avtalsregistret kan noteras om avtal innehåller s.k. change of control-klausuler, dvs klausuler som ger motparten rätt att säga upp avtalet i det  Offentliga Hus announces Change of Control under its outstanding bond loans. Reference is made to Offentliga Hus i Norden AB (publ)'s (the “. Vissa av ASSA ABLOYs större finansieringsavtal innehåller en sedvanlig så kallad ”Change of Control”-klausul.

change of control clausule: Een clausule in een contract of regeling die van kracht wordt zodra een onderneming (geheel of gedeeltelijk) wordt overgenomen (in andere handen overgaat). Een dergelijke regeling kan bijvoorbeeld gaan over de beloning van bestuurders bij een overname (change of control vergoeding, change of control bonus).

Under the Protocol, both countries agreed to substantial changes to the and important changes to the limitation on benefits clause and the 

Please note that DISQUS operates this forum. When you sign in to  När ett skriftligt avtal innehåller en klausul om att handlingen omfattar samtliga of 21 December 1989 on merger control (11) and Article 93 of the EC Treaty.

Change of control klausul

Portuguese Translation for Change of control Klausel - English-Portuguese Dictionary

Change of control klausul

Se hela listan på Change in Control. Select Independent Counsel. After any Change in Control [PARTY A] undergoes [(other than a Change in Control approved by a majority of [PARTY A]'s Board of Directors who were directors immediately prior to such Change in Control)] all matters concerning [PARTY B]'s right to payment under this agreement or any of [PARTY A]'s governing documents, as amended, will be submitted any significant agreements to which the company is a party and which take effect, alter or terminate upon a change of control of the company following a takeover bid, and the effects thereof, except where their nature is such that their disclosure would be seriously prejudicial to the company; this exception shall not apply where the company is specifically obliged to disclose such information on the basis of other legal requirements Was ist eine "Change-of-Control"-Klausel ? Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Vertragsregelung im Anstellungsvertrag von Vorstands- oder Geschäftsführungsmitgliedern, die diesen im Falle eines Eigentümerwechsels die Möglichkeit bietet, gegen Zahlung einer fest vereinbarten Abfindungssumme (und oft auch einer entsprechenden Pensionsregelung) durch eigenen Entschluss das Unternehmen zu verlassen. change of control clausule: Een clausule in een contract of regeling die van kracht wordt zodra een onderneming (geheel of gedeeltelijk) wordt overgenomen (in andere handen overgaat). Een dergelijke regeling kan bijvoorbeeld gaan over de beloning van bestuurders bij een overname (change of control vergoeding, change of control bonus). Content of change-of-control clauses.

Ofte inneholder leiekontrakter såkalte kontrollskifte-/change of control-bestemmelser som ytterligere begrenser leietakers handlingsrom. im Rahmen einer Change of Control-Klausel insbesondere festgehalten sein, dass eine Fusion, Geschäftsveräusserung etc.
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2.2 Wenn hingegen der Vertrag im Rahmen der Regelung der ausserordentlichen Finally, the application of article 556 of the Company Code should not be forgotten when a change of control clause leads to termination of an agreement . Indeed in such case the provision has to be authorized by an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in order to be valid. Se hela listan på La clausola dello statuto di società di capitali (da ora Alfa Spa) che disponga il diritto di prelazione degli altri soci nel caso in cui uno di essi intenda alienare la propria quota di partecipazione al capitale sociale, non è applicabile (a meno che lo statuto non lo preveda espressamente) nel caso del cosiddetto “ change of control ” che coinvolga un socio (in ipotesi: Beta Srl) di Alfa.
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im Rahmen einer Change of Control-Klausel insbesondere festgehalten sein, dass eine Fusion, Geschäftsveräusserung etc. auf Seiten einer Vertragspartei die andere Partei zur Kündigung des Vertrages ermächtigt. 2.2 Wenn hingegen der Vertrag im Rahmen der Regelung der ausserordentlichen

A User may log in to edit, change, give access (“Accounts”) to employees, Ocast has neither control over, nor is involved in the transaction between a  Patric Hörnqvist hade en "no trade"-klausul i sitt kontrakt vilket gjorde att han kunde tacka nej till trejden till Florida Panthers. Trots detta var det  DUO Transfer System Residual oil burns out quickly for easy pattern changes Quick change squeegee assembly Six drive speeds for best taper control inte kan fungera utan att använda cookies, kan denna klausul inte avvisas.

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Offentliga Hus announces Change of Control under its outstanding bond to Clause 11.4 (Mandatory repurchase due to a Change of Control, 

25% vardera. ▫ Change of control klausul. 51% i bank och kapital- marknadsfinansiering  Lånen har varken finansiella konvenanter eller någon Change of Control-klausul. SEB agerar sole arranger and bookrunner i emissionen. Find out more on how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. I accept control of restrictive practices (3). exemption from control of State aid.

any significant agreements to which the company is a party and which take effect, alter or terminate upon a change of control of the company following a takeover bid, and the effects thereof, except where their nature is such that their disclosure would be seriously prejudicial to the company; this exception shall not apply where the company is specifically obliged to disclose such information on the basis of other …

By Korin Miller If you have asthma, your immune system is primed to ove If you have diabetes, try these six lifestyle changes from WebMD experts to help control your blood sugars. Working closely with your doctor, you can manage your diabetes by focusing on six key changes in your daily life.

Undesøgelse af ”change of control”-klausul. • Beskrivelsesproblemet Kompliceret at lave en aktivitetsoverdragelse – beskrive. Genstanden for virksomhedsoverdragelser Aktieoverdragelse Aktionærerne er sælgerne. • Undersøg om der foreligger begrænsninger i omsætteligheden af aktierne Aktivitetsoverdragelse 2 Næringseiendom - De fleste aktører er kjent med at en leietaker som et utgangspunkt ikke fritt kan transportere leiekontrakten til et annet rettssubjekt. Ofte inneholder leiekontrakter såkalte kontrollskifte-/change of control-bestemmelser som ytterligere begrenser leietakers handlingsrom. Næringseiendom - De fleste aktører er kjent med at en leietaker som et utgangspunkt ikke fritt kan transportere leiekontrakten til et annet rettssubjekt. Ofte inneholder leiekontrakter såkalte kontrollskifte-/change of control-bestemmelser som ytterligere begrenser leietakers handlingsrom.